As an adult, I lived my life searching for the meaning of my life. Searching for answers to questions of who I was and what I was meant to do.
I lived my life trying to please other people but to my frustration, I could never please everyone. More often than not, I seemed to fall short of other people's measuring stick. And so I lived my life feeling there was something wrong with me and began a long love-hate relationship with myself. I did not realize that this way of relating to myself was a surefire way of insuring a life of failure and mediocrity. I lived this way for the majority of my life until 2005 when I was introduced to the world of personal transformation. Life has been one of growth and adventure since then.
I have been an avid student of personal transformation for close to four years now and my life and how I perceive the world I live in has taken a 365-degree turn. It is in this world where I came to understand myself. I came to understand that I was born perfect--in the image and likeness of God. I was given everything I need to fulfill my life mission when I was born--from my personality to my life experiences. That underneath all the imperfections of myself today, is a perfect being waiting to unfold. That I am perfect where I am in my life today. That my experiences--successes and failures--are there to teach me lessons to prepare me for my purpose.
I have been learning that loving and believing in myself is the most important key to my success. Living my life as I see fit and not as others think I should live my life. Of course, there are values to live by such as integrity and respect for others. Being able to live my life as I see fit is only possible though, with love and respect for myself.
Before my life of transformation, I would always doubt the inner voice directing me to do things. I would not listen and instead do what others dictated me to do. In doing this, I was slowly destroying the spirit in me. I was slowly destroying myself. I have now begun to listen to inner voice. To accept the wisdom that she has about what she is capable of being and doing. I have also come to accept praise from others. I would always brush them aside but doing this was not helpful to who I was. As I come to accept myself, I grow stronger in confidence and my ability to be and do what I was born to do.